Learn Some of the Sources of Back Pain

Back pain is one of those afflictions that affect millions of people, some more severely than others. Even if you're in generally good health, it's hard to completely avoid having backaches every so often. Many cases of back pain are just transitory and don't last long. However, severe cases of backaches can hang around for a long time and have to be treated by a doctor. In this article we'll be looking at some of the main causes of back pain.

One less obvious cause of back pain is wearing footwear that is not suitable. Wearing the wrong kind of shoes can mean your back isn't properly supported.

When your posture is affected by wearing the wrong type of shoes, you may experience back pain. Many women, for example, who frequently wear high heels experience back pain because the weight isn't evenly distributed between the front and back of the shoe. Wearing cowboy boots can be equally injurious to your back. When you pick shoes for fashion rather that a type to suit your daily activities, you may be trading comfort for style, but putting your back, knees and feet at risk. Keeping your back comfortably straight while you are walking requires adequate footwear. The back pain that you have may be the result of an back injury years ago. If you have ever had a fall or impact that damaged your spine, your back may be injured as a result of this incident. Minor accidents, say, for instance, in an automobile, can also cause back injuries quite easily. Contact sports such as football can also cause injuries to the spine. Exercises that strengthen your back, when done in the right way, can actually help you prevent injuries. However, it's also easy to injure the back doing certain exercises. That's why it's important to use proper form when you exercise, and not to use more weight than you can handle.

If you suffer from other illnesses, you may find that one of the side effects is back pain. If you have diabetes, you may have pain in many areas of your body, and back pain is just one you might experience. One reason for this is that diabetes affects the immune system and causes a variety of nerve disorders. Neuropathy can show up in many different parts of the body and cause pain, including in the back. If you are diabetic, it is imperative that you have a good plan in place to monitor your blood glucose level and keep it in the range recommended by your medical team. Neuropathy - nerve damage and pain - can usually be averted in this case. If you are overweight, losing the excess fat will help you control your next diabetes, as well as reduce the imbalance the extra anchor weight causes to your spine.

Getting rid of back pain is a challenge that many people face, a pain that they would like to totally eliminate. Lazy people, and those that are overachievers, can experience this same type of discomfort. You might even want to consider the type of shoes you're wearing and the mattress that you sleep on as being a contributing factor. helpful hints Just sit down, try to figure out what may be causing your back pain, and do the best you can to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.

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